Policies & Procedures

Registration: A non-refundable annual membership fee of $50 per family is required to reserve your space in any monthly ongoing class/lesson. This fee is applied when you register between July thru December. You will be prorated $25 if you register between January and June. Membership fees will be re-applied each September.
Payment of Fees: Tuition must be paid by credit card or debit card. Tuition will be charged on your card the first of each month. If your card is declined, you will be contacted by Art & Soul School to update your billing information. There will be a $25 processing fee if your billing information has not been updated within 7 days of being contacted. Charter School Students ONLY: To schedule a lesson or class, your PO must first be approved. The PO request form will include the total amount for the session, however you must submit individual monthly POs. If your Charter School at anytime cannot fulfill their financial commitment, you will be responsible for the balance due.
Withdrawal: Withdrawal must occur within the first 7 days of the month to cancel your enrollment effective the following month (30-day notice). (i.e. withdrawal form submitted by April 5th for discontinuing class starting May 1st). A completed online withdrawal form must be submitted.
Make-ups: Tuition is not prorated for any missed classes or lessons.If you need to cancel a private music lesson, a custom Lessonmate video will be posted to your account. 
If you need to miss a group class (art, music or dance), you may attend any other age appropriate group class at our school within 1 month of your absence. Limit is two (2) per school year and you can only attend a class that is not currently full. You must be currently enrolled to attend any make up classes.
Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all school activities, such as recitals, extra classes, and dates the school is open or closed. The school will post all such notices in your parent portal. It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to inform the school of any address, email or phone number change.
On-Time Pick-Up: The school is not responsible for providing daycare before or after lessons for students. Parents with students under the age of 5 are to remain in or near the school during classes. Students are not to be left at the school for excessive time before or after class.
Open Door Policy: Parents are always welcome to sit in on a lesson. We have an open door policy for all classes and lessons. Be advised that in most cases, your child does do much better when you are not present in the room.
Photo/Video Release: The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. This also grants permission for 3rd parties such as Newspapers, Magazines and Social Media to post pictures with permission from Art & Soul School. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name.
Covid-19: Members will hold Art & Soul and its staff harmless of any responsibilities due to contracting of Covid-19. All Safety protocols will follow State and County guidelines.